A short Bio on the Author > Anthony Manning

Anthony Manning I was an active kid into every sport. I have been doing martial arts since I was 13, that is 40 years! Everything I have done has been towards the goal of being a martial artist that is competent, lives by a honourable code and is very fit and healthy. My martial skills of striking and grappling were enhanced by Army Officer training that taught me how to lead, plan, organise and kill, in combat and in self-defence.

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THE LEGACY OF THE FATHER (my first poem)

Every son has a challenging relationship with their father. Whether it is cheerful or traumatic, it is forging. I am not a father, but I believe their job is to prepare their children for the world. Mine did his best to that but we were never friends. Recently the 20th anniversary of my fathers passing dredged up memories that raised conflicting emotions, I tried to sum it up in a poem. Something I have never done. THE LEGACY OF THE

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Why Politicians & senior military are COMPLICIT & RESPONSIBLE for their soldiers, even IF a war crime is committed.

Bonus Content: Why the media is not the justice system & contributes to the moral corruption of our leaders. This article is about training soldiers to use lethal force for their country and the requirement to do so, morally corrupt journalism, and the moral failure of leadership of senior military/politicians at the highest level. The ‘I hear nothing ‘excuse from people responsible is used to blame the operational soldiers, with virtually no defence or responsibility taken for those that send

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Take the Stairs! Live a longer healthier life by making better choices.

Fitness and health are the 100 little choice’s you make every day, not just time in the gym. It is not that hard, and it adds up to living a quality life, for as long as you can, reducing the risk of health issues dramatically. It also involves being a little different, which makes no sense to me, as it is the best way to be. I was travelling recently and had cause to wait at the bottom of the

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Familiarity Breeds Contempt – A critical lesson in leadership.

For every coach, business owner, manager to be aware of to avoid potential peril. An important lesson in leadership. Underestimate the power of this ticking time bomb at your peril. Manage it early or risk seeing everything you build damaged. The phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” implies that the more you know someone increases the likelihood that you will develop a lack of respect or appreciation for them. This can happen because familiarity exposes people to deeper, less superficial aspects of

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2024 24hr WEMBO World Solo Championships

Wrap up and overview including the obligatory FB ‘annual’ expression of feelings. It is long but I am summarizing 24hrs and months prep, so you can endure a few paragraphs! The rest of your life is the best of your life – live it! Why? Mmm, because I thought I needed something hard to focus on that would take a lot of preparation, organisation, tenacity, resilience and craziness beyond what most people think a 55-year-old (or anyone) should do. To

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The juxtaposition of innocence in conflict

Are there really innocent civilians in war? Who would you define as innocent? A non-combatant or anyone not in the military? Children or grandparents? A Doctor, Aid worker, or tourist? Journalists? Politicians? Teachers? Religious figures? Perhaps, someone that protests and does not support the war? Is someone really ‘innocent’ if they support one side of the conflict in an ideological or material way? Is someone innocent if they do not support the war but do nothing about fighting against it

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This article is about how masculinity, correctly defined can and is positive. Masculinity has valuable characteristics that benefit society and should be promoted, whilst simultaneously calling out behaviour that is unacceptable and should be excluded from any definition of masculinity. For masculine traits to be positive, men must remove all behaviour that is sexist and does not respect women. Men must also look after themselves more and select masculine traits that guide them to be a better person. This article

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The Bullshit of reading Body Language

Why Body Language is extremely flawed way of reading peoples emotions, intentions or guilt. Yes, there is general truths, in our society, but there is also people that use the body language to sell you, charm and bullshit you. Even expert investigators get it wrong 50% of the time as we all learn from TV where everyone is faking it. How well do you read people and communicate through body language? You are far worse than you think you are.

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Fu*k Your Feelings

What good are your feelings? How often are your feelings correct? How often do your feelings misguide you? How often do your feelings lead you down the wrong path, with the wrong person? How often do your feelings make you feel bad, hold you back and upset you? Way too often! Tell your feelings to fuck off and take control! When have your feelings ever been the guiding light for your goals, achievements, and good decisions? Never. Good things are

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SITTING OUTSIDE IMPORTANT MEETINGS. Meeting the Queen, The Director of the CIA, President Clinton and Prime Minister John Howard in the course of my protection work.

Plus a rant about response to incidents in the modern world of security, protection and political correctness. When a regular person meets a famous person, it is unimportant to them but a bright moment for you. A forgotten inconsequential moment for them and a cool story for you. I never met a famous rock star, but I did hang out (briefly) with influential important people who shape the world that we all know about. I worked for the government and

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