Training & Life Advice



Fu*k Your Feelings

What good are your feelings? How often are your feelings correct? How often do your feelings misguide you? How often do your feelings lead you down the wrong path, with the wrong person? How often do your feelings make you feel bad, hold you back and upset you? Way too often! Tell your feelings to fuck off and take control! When have your feelings ever been the guiding light for your goals, achievements, and good decisions? Never. Good things are

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The Muay Thai Stoic – Benefits of Stoicism for Muay Thai & Life.

Stoicism for Muay Thai and Life. Some lessons for everyone to help improve your existence. Doing Muay Thai is tough, being stoic is tough but they are both great for you. Including some stoic philosophy in your Muay Thai life will enhance your training and your life. It will also make a fighter better to live with during weight cuts, losses, setbacks, annoying people and injuries. In true modern adoptionism, take what works for you and disregard what does not.

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My favourite quote that I have up on the white board at my home gym is simple –‘TRAINING MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER’. From the pride, from endorphins, from dopamine, from the escape, and from just the simple fact that you did something for yourself that is good for you, as opposed to being indulgent, lazy or being distracted. We all suffer from two great problems every day – fear and lethargy. Fear of the day and the future actions, decision

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‘Men’ – (named after men) – ‘O’ for Ohhhh – ‘Pause’ for take a breath. WARNING: This article is sarcastic and will upset people. If your wife has menopause, do not let her see you reading this. Women have menopause. Men who live with women, must live with it as a carer and joint sufferer. I am talking about female menopause, not male menopause, if that exists it has not happened to me but if it does, I expect it

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Why everyone should get punched in the face?

The importance of being punched in the face and learning about yourself – metaphorically and physically. No one really wants to get punched in the face, but everyone should experience it. Some people deserve it and need it, some don’t deserve it but can learn from it, and some people will put themself in a position to risk it, embrace it and learn from it. Whether you are found wanting from your response or embrace the reaction and learn from

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Your conditioning is one tank of fuel, use it wisely.

Understand how to train & use your fuel for improved performance. For a 3 round fight or 100km Mountain Bike Ride. Regardless of how fit you are, you only have one tank of fuel. Your fuel tank is your energy, your fitness, your ability to keep performing. You can be super fit and still burn out. You can fit in one area but not fit in another. Fitness can be very sport specific and requires specific understanding on how to

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The 5% rule for success and peace

Life is competitive. If you disagree with this, then you never had to apply for a job, lined up for a tram, or competed at sport. When everyone is competitive you want to be closer to the front of the pack to get the good stuff or at least have more options. You may not always need to be first, but you need to be competitive to get anywhere at what you do.   How do you set yourself apart

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Integrity in your training transcends your life! 

You test & develop your integrity every time you train. Integrity in training is simple, however it is a strength that needs to be practiced in every workout and every life choice. Integrity is having the character to do what needs to be done, to the standard required, under pressure, when you are tired and sore and feel like quitting, but you do the right thing regardless of the consequences. Integrity is truth in training, honesty to yourself, correct technique

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How to Keep Fit & Healthy in your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

The hardest part for most articles is catchy and relevant heading to get your interest. This article could have been called: This blog is not written only for people over fifty. The best way to have healthy and fit training in your fifties and beyond is to start the discipline, habits, and lifestyle as early as you can. People over fifty have a lot to teach if only people under thirty would listen! The process of training and living well

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E-Bikes are Not Bikes

E-Bike riders are not bike riders (and never will be)! E-bikes are an example of everything that is weak and soft about people in the modern world. Fact: Fun facts: Analysis/opinion overall: Despite clever marketing – E-Bikes are not bikes!  They mimic the shape and look of a traditional bike – but they are just a slow motor bike. You don’t get any of the true benefits you receive from riding a bike.  It will only increase your overall weakness

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