THE LEGACY OF THE FATHER (my first poem)

Every son has a challenging relationship with their father. Whether it is cheerful or traumatic, it is forging. I am not a father, but I believe their job is to prepare their children for the world. Mine did his best to that but we were never friends. Recently the 20th anniversary of my fathers passing dredged up memories that raised conflicting emotions, I tried to sum it up in a poem. Something I have never done. THE LEGACY OF THE

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2024 24hr WEMBO World Solo Championships

Wrap up and overview including the obligatory FB ‘annual’ expression of feelings. It is long but I am summarizing 24hrs and months prep, so you can endure a few paragraphs! The rest of your life is the best of your life – live it! Why? Mmm, because I thought I needed something hard to focus on that would take a lot of preparation, organisation, tenacity, resilience and craziness beyond what most people think a 55-year-old (or anyone) should do. To

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