What good are your feelings? How often are your feelings correct? How often do your feelings misguide you? How often do your feelings lead you down the wrong path, with the wrong person? How often do your feelings make you feel bad, hold you back and upset you? Way too often! Tell your feelings to fuck off and take control!
When have your feelings ever been the guiding light for your goals, achievements, and good decisions? Never. Good things are hard to achieve and hard to earn, your feelings just get in the way and often mislead you. You must get on with life and not be held back by how you feel about it. If you always listened to your feelings and followed your heart you would have married the first person you kissed and continued to make stupid decisions your whole life. You would never get out of bed because you never ‘feel’ like it. You would not keep a job because you would not often ‘feel’ like going. You would never finish school because you would often not ‘feel’ like going. If you only did what you felt like, you would be unemployed, homeless, or at best on welfare and blaming the world for how you ended up. Your feelings are not your friend. They often make you feel bad, and they fuck up the smart and right thing to do, which is usually hard, takes time and effort and dedication.
The APA dictionary of Psychology describes a feeling as, “a self-contained phenomenal experience…..they are subjective, evaluative and independent of the sensations that provoke them’. They are in your head. They are yours and you can choose to do what you like with them. If they are hurting you, fuck them! You do not need them to bring you down.
Poets follow their feelings and that is why poetry is the number one profession for suicides. Be a grown-up – you are not special, and your feelings don’t help you achieve anything worthwhile. Fuck your feelings, they often make you feel bad! If you keep winging about them, you make other people miserable as well. When things are good, they make you feel good, but this is just a momentary lapse of reason. The feelings that hurt, that hold you back and kick you in the guts are the ones you do not want to listen to. Fuck them. Good feelings are great, but like a good orgasm, too fast and they do not last. They then make you crave them again, and then you have a self-control issue to manage.
How often do you let your feelings influence your decisions? Far too often, and no matter how you justify your ‘gut’, you are wrong at least 50% of the time. You know, you really cannot rely on yourself to be smart enough to not trust your feelings. Then you do anyway, because it is the easy default. Decisions based on feelings are faster and easier than analyzing your decision rationally. Far quicker to justify when you fuck up again and again!
Feelings are addictive and do not have your best interests in mind. Feelings always want to surface and control you when you least want them to. Nerves do not help you perform – anxiety makes it hard to control the simplest things and the stress can kill you. Love will hurt more than anything you experience. Depression will make you miserable and a shit friend. Feeling sad is contagious and makes you a sook that craves more attention, so you will continue to be sad.
If you just did what you felt like you would still be sitting on a swing or skateboarding to the shops and hanging out on water slides. Your feelings do not get you out of bed, they do not make you study, train hard, set goals or build your resilience when you need to succeed at anything. Fuck your feelings.
If you want to be a lyricist or write poetry, you need to tap into your soul and more people through your emotion. You need to understand feelings to do this, but this is one job out of one million other options to survive in this world. This job will soon be replaced by AI anyway, as ‘feelings’ are the easiest things to manipulate -which is obvious when you see how addicted to social media people are because their feelings are instantly given a little kiss for doing the dumbest thing and liking something you did not even read.
Who earns millions from exploiting your feelings? Every marketing company, every scammer and every salesperson you ever met. Who manipulates your opinion and votes every day? The media and politicians who are geniuses at tapping into your feelings. Take ownership of you and what you want to be – fuck your feelings.
Dumb things you say to yourself and others?
- It just felt right.
- Listen to your gut.
- They seem nice.
- I feel like it is the right thing to do.
- Do what you feel like.
Doing what you feel like every day will get you nowhere. You will be a self-centered, irresponsible, needy, entitled prick who thinks the world owes them. Get over yourself, fuck off the negative guidance of your feelings and get on with working hard to earn your way through life and be useful.
If you bring your kids up with the question – what do you feel like? What do you want to do? They will be good at eating ice cream and watching movies, then cry when they don’t have friends and get called fat. Kids don’t know what’s good for them, so stop contributing to weak people with no resilience. Give less credit to how someone feels when they must do homework, play a hard sport and be polite to people. Teach your kids more about consequences and responsibility than expressing their feelings and you will contribute to society and not breed future mental health days for your kids who don’t get treated fairly.
What happens when you are offended? Nothing! There can be emotional pain, but no one has punched you in the face, you do not need stitches. You might feel a little insulted, even a little down. Sure, treachery, betrayal and failure can hurt like a punch in the guts and feel like you have been stabbed, but these are just metaphors, you have not been stabbed. That is far worse, trust me.
Your feelings are fragile and will surface when you often do not need them or want them. Feelings have shit timing and do not care about you, or they wouldn’t make you feel bad. Triggers will rise and bring you down emotionally. Fuck them off, accept the facts and that you can’t do anything about them and move on. If your feelings are hurt because someone insults you, offends you, or doesn’t treat you how your entitled, ‘special’ me nature expects, you deserve a physical slap to help you wake up to yourself. You are not special and expecting to be treated like you are will only hurt your feelings. You are the same you after you are offended. You choose how you react. If you’re hurt, that is up to you and the other person wins. Fuck your feelings – they are yours to control, not for others to manipulate. Toughen up and don’t let your feelings control you.
Anger is natural. Life is full of hard times, fuckwits and situations that will piss you off. Be angry, but ensure you have self-control, breathe and put things into context before you act. Anger can motivate, drive and push you through super hard challenges if channeled. If left unattended, anger will make you a dick. You will end up in jail and have no friends, except if you are toy in prison. Anger will always surface when emotional, breathe, channel and plan. Payback with a plan is how you channel the anger. Let it go, move on and use the emotion to succeed, not bring you down. Walk away before you punch a hole in the wall. Be angry but like all feelings, fuck it, do not let it control you.
Anxiety is normal. Babies cry from anxiety, and you grow up in an uncertain world with new things every day. Anxiety is normal, it is a driver, an awakening. It creates thought and fear, but it is just a feeling. Sure, a feeling with real physical side effects, but if you get anxious about being anxious and your anxiety causes stress and anxiety attacks, your anxiety is controlling you. Anxiety is normal, live with it. You cannot avoid it. Channel it and accept that life will make you anxious. If your anxiety is controlling you, tell it to get fucked. It is your anxiety, you own it – use it to thrive.
Fear is one of the good feelings. It is not to be discounted. It is a message to think again, evaluate and do a rapid assessment of risk. Fear is just a feeling. You do not stay frightened, and if you do, you will find it hard to function. Fear is just a signal to think, react or prepare for action. Fear is a message that you may need to step back from the cliff or fight forward to overcome the fear. Action cures fear and if you are frightened, act. Overcome or withdraw, but being inert is pointless. Fuck being frightened all the time.
There are many good feelings that you can enjoy, and the best feelings are brief, fleeting moments that just make you smile. A great view that makes you feel awe, winning a competition, going on a date, getting a job you want, or winning a prize. Simple good feelings and you know they do not last, as the negative feelings are one hundred times stronger and do not like you having good feelings all the time. Joy is a positive feeling, which is why it does not last. Happy feelings do not cling like negatives. Like people you do not need and want your attention, they cling, they whine, and they try to bring you down. Doubt is a feeling that makes you question things, but it is normal and if you just take a breath and think you can still make a smart decision or do a good thing. Do not let doubt rule your decisions or hold you back.
Live and embrace the world. Do not let your feelings control you. Fuck your feelings. When you get ones that you do not want and feelings that try to overwhelm you, get you down or try to beat you, fuck them. They’re your feelings, fuck them off. If your feelings are holding you back, fuck them, move forward with less of them. Feelings cling and are unflushable, like many people, but they are yours – so fuck them off when you do not want them in your life. Of course, the feelings will float up and you need them to feel alive, but do not let them control you or sink you. Feelings can just be like demons that pull you down every time you try to move forward – fuck them off.
Feelings will be there whether you like them or not. It is bad for you to suppress them or deny them and you must face up to them. If they are controlling you, letting you down or turning you into a winging sook, just say fuck off and fuck off the feelings that hold you back. Even good feelings should not be out of control, too much of a good feeling is addictive and bad for you. So, fuck them off before they control you and make you weak and needy for the next ‘ding’ on your phone.
We are not our feelings. You do not have to be what you feel, but you must think about it and act in your best interests, which will not be extreme behaviour in any direction or based on attention seeking. If you feel angry, that is ok, but you do not have to act angry. Everything can impact how we feel and how we act can be a result of how we feel. If you are acting poorly, turning into a whiner not a winner (I like that!), fuck your feelings and have better control over them to improve how you act and be useful in life and good to the people around you. Your feelings are not right or wrong, they just are, and what you do with them is up to how you react. Feelings do need some validation and reaction but try to make them mostly internal, so others do not have to suffer from your need for validation of every feeling. If your feelings are controlling you – see a psych because they are paid to listen to your feelings, your friends are not.
Feelings can be physical because your reactions to them cause physical reactions. You can get butterflies, gut ache, a big smile or erection, a headache, shaking or the need to pee. Everyone and every situation are different. If your feelings are giving you problems, put them in their box, fuck them off and learn to embrace and control them. Feelings can be positive when you understand them more and not always negative. Sharing your feelings all the time might make you ‘feel’ better, but it will annoy the shit out of people close to you. Even your family, who must put up with you, only have so much empathy and tolerance for winging. Step 1 is to learn to deal with them yourself. Step 2 is to learn what to share when you need to – when it is really important to share and understand. Step 3 is to find someone to share them with that is paid to tolerate it, or your friends will find excuses to not have time for you. Step 1A – Feelings can be expressed without you going crazy or being a needy friend. Draw pictures, write articles that 3 people read, do yoga, sculpt or run up hills.
You worry about what you tolerate. Silence is often a lie in these situations, and you need to speak up. Develop the communication skills to discuss what you tolerate and is annoying you so much. Worrying is also a useless waste of time. Be realistic and ask yourself, Can I do anything about it? If you are worrying about climate change, recycle and get solar panels, but do not sit around worrying about Chinese emissions when you have no control over them. If you are worrying about your daughter hanging out with bikies and getting into drugs and becoming a porn star – talk to her, set a good example, educate her about values and responsibility and be a great parent. The act of worrying is pointless. Everyone worries about something, but you are better off planning, setting goals, learning and evaluating and not spending time on a feeling that just causes stress.
Sadness is an emotion, not really a feeling, but it still feels awful. Sadness manifests in the loss of something or someone. Sadness is normal and has many phases you must go through. The bigger the tragedy, the deeper the sadness. The fact is, every terrible event or loss you live through makes you who you are, and you can get past it. People have endured the most awful experiences and gone on to live lives with happiness in them. Your sadness should not be a feeling you allow to overtake you and ruin your future. Accept sadness happens, go through it and be confident you will come out the other side stronger. It will always return, like all feelings, but at some point you must tell your sadness and misery to fuck off, if you want to live a good future. You would never want people to describe you as sad, so do not describe yourself as that. Everyone can get sad and be sad, but never let it define you.
Enjoyment and satisfaction are feelings we want to have. Satisfaction takes hard work and achieving goals, doing something useful with your life. It is a positive feeling you must earn. You never fuck off satisfaction, because it is the best feeling to have, because you earnt it. Like all good emotions, it will however be fleeting. Satisfaction will develop pride and resilience and is something you must keep working on, whether it is from having a nice lawn or finishing a book, to running a marathon. Satisfaction is what you get when you have fucked off the feelings holding you back. Enjoyment is positive feelings you get when you are doing something that feels good – like reading this article, having sex, or riding your bike fast down a hill. It is a reason for doing fun things, but if you strive only for enjoyment, you will never get satisfaction that comes from achievement. Enjoyment is a goal but will not add up to a useful achievement. If you enjoy your work, that is a plus, but fuck off any expectation to enjoy, studying, training hard, suffering, working late or any of the things you need to do to be satisfied.
Disgust is one of my favourite feelings because it can be so intense, but it is just a perception triggered by dislike or loathing when something is toxic, disgusting or repulsive. Be disgusted. It is good to learn your tolerance and your values, but fuck it off and do not stay disgusted, do something about being disgusted. Get involved with fixing that disgust you or get out of the sewar. Fuck off constant feelings of disgust or you will become a disgusting person to be with.
When your boss asks you, “How are you doing today?” . Do they want an answer like: I am tired, stayed up watching Game of Thrones, had a few drinks, didn’t sleep well and really don’t feel like doing much today OR , yeh I am good, what have we got on today? How are you is not an honest question so be hesitant giving honest answers unless it is a counsellor or your mother.
Feelings are very strong and can overwhelm the toughest people in dire circumstances and still strike them down daily. What makes people tough is dealing with them daily, not succumbing to them. Everyone has different feelings at different times for different reasons, so what you fuck off and what you keep is up to you. My advice is to fuck off your feelings that control you, hold you back, keep surfacing and get you down and hold you back. Work towards good feelings that come from hard work. The point is to not let your feelings control you, define you or cling to your every mood for your entire life. Life is too good to be sunk by negative feelings you can fuck off.
Expressing your feelings and discussing them at an accommodating safe pace is a new thing and it may help some feel better, but it’s not the only answer. When I was at school, we never did this type of thing. We also had less youth crime, less mental health issues, and more resilience. So, is it really working? I also think that when you look for blue cars, you will find blue cars. When everyone is saying how sad they feel, it creates sad, like when you listen to sad songs, you feel sad. This may not be helping at all, especially if kids are ‘encouraged’ to do it when they don’t want to or may not even need to. Kids will do the stupidest things to fit in and we have to be careful indulging behaviour that may have a long-term negative effect. We talked to our friends and mentors if needed and new then not to bottle things up for an image or to act tough. We played sport and were made to do homework, chores, didn’t have social media, school refusers and played in the dirt and took risks daily.
If your feelings are controlling you and everything in life is hard, please seek professional help. My blunt and somewhat flippant approach is directed to those that are just a little sensitive, precious and need a wakeup call. People who think they are special, entitled, and look at the world as if the world owes them, with no responsibility for their own feelings, life and future. If you get upset for not being treated fairly in an unfair world, get over yourself – fuck your feelings – because the world does not care!