


THE PROFILE OF A PREDATOR (An article on Child Protection.)

This article is a combination of 25 year’s of child protection training, research and experience built on adapting Military Intelligence threat analysis and detailed insight into child sexual abuse and how predators operate. It is the most useful and important thing I have ever written and thank you for reading, sharing it and contributing to increased awareness for the prevention of child abuse. I was trained as a military intelligence officer to analyze threats. When I started training people in

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A DETAILED COMPARISON OF MARTIAL ART TRAINING METHODS AND STYLES. (& Combat Sports) Plus, advice on what to look for to find what suits you.

Forget style names and find out what training methods suit your goals from training. This article compares martial arts and combat sports without mentioning a style’s name and only focuses on how varied styles train. It is purpose vs. method vs. results desired. Everyone loves to compare styles of martial arts and provide short descriptions of differences between styles. This is often done for a variety of reasons: This article is nothing like that. This article does not compare or

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How to Keep Fit & Healthy in your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

The hardest part for most articles is catchy and relevant heading to get your interest. This article could have been called: This blog is not written only for people over fifty. The best way to have healthy and fit training in your fifties and beyond is to start the discipline, habits, and lifestyle as early as you can. People over fifty have a lot to teach if only people under thirty would listen! The process of training and living well

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E-Bikes are Not Bikes

E-Bike riders are not bike riders (and never will be)! E-bikes are an example of everything that is weak and soft about people in the modern world. Fact: Fun facts: Analysis/opinion overall: Despite clever marketing – E-Bikes are not bikes!  They mimic the shape and look of a traditional bike – but they are just a slow motor bike. You don’t get any of the true benefits you receive from riding a bike.  It will only increase your overall weakness

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The LAW’s of HARD. For a better life.

THE LAW’s OF HARD Life is hard and there are so many hard things that are good for you we need some dot points outlining them.  Hard is good, hard is life. That everything in your life is GOOD because everything in your life has made you, who you are. That nothing of any value in your life is easy. That you are, who you are, because of the HARD not the soft. That everything great in life comes after

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