The Adventures of Antman in IRAQ [PART 4]

20 Aug 05 Hi guys.I had some time off yesterday and went out to take some photos. One of them is me in a ray of sunshine where a 1000pnd bomb came through and destroyed a palace, the other is inside the reception area of the main display ground at the cross swords – just thought it was funny. So far in Iraq over 1300 US soldiers have been sadly killed in action. In July 1200 Iraqis were recorded at

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The Adventures of Antman in IRAQ [PART 3]

Hello Everyone My first rotation is nearly coming to an end. Only two weeks to go and to be honest I think it is to short. I am only just starting to get a grip on what is going on and do any useful work. I will be back in Canberra to see Simon win another Australian Title. I may not get time for another Newsletter before I leave but I will try and catch up with everyone when I

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The Iraq diaries – A PREQUEL

The Iraq diaries (emails) where an unplanned collection of emails home during my work on deployment. After the event, I wanted to record them and was overwhelmed by the interest people had in reading them. I got questions that now seem obvious after they were released, as to how I came to be working in Iraq. You could read my short bio located in these articles or read below for a more specific recollection. People that know me know, mostly

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