The Adventures of Antman in IRAQ [PART 4]

20 Aug 05 Hi guys.I had some time off yesterday and went out to take some photos. One of them is me in a ray of sunshine where a 1000pnd bomb came through and destroyed a palace, the other is inside the reception area of the main display ground at the cross swords – just thought it was funny. So far in Iraq over 1300 US soldiers have been sadly killed in action. In July 1200 Iraqis were recorded at

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The Adventures of Antman in IRAQ [PART 3]

Hello Everyone My first rotation is nearly coming to an end. Only two weeks to go and to be honest I think it is to short. I am only just starting to get a grip on what is going on and do any useful work. I will be back in Canberra to see Simon win another Australian Title. I may not get time for another Newsletter before I leave but I will try and catch up with everyone when I

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The Iraq diaries – A PREQUEL

The Iraq diaries (emails) where an unplanned collection of emails home during my work on deployment. After the event, I wanted to record them and was overwhelmed by the interest people had in reading them. I got questions that now seem obvious after they were released, as to how I came to be working in Iraq. You could read my short bio located in these articles or read below for a more specific recollection. People that know me know, mostly

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A short Bio on the Author > Anthony Manning

Anthony Manning I was an active kid into every sport. I have been doing martial arts since I was 13, that is 40 years! Everything I have done has been towards the goal of being a martial artist that is competent, lives by a honourable code and is very fit and healthy. My martial skills of striking and grappling were enhanced by Army Officer training that taught me how to lead, plan, organise and kill, in combat and in self-defence.

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